Friday, May 16, 2008

The girl in my shower last night....

OK... before you think this is going to become one of those smutty blog sites that I always threaten (promise?) to do... the girl in my shower wasn't really there. I mean she was there but she wasn't really a girl. Technically. Though she had a girlish quality. And while I think Krista, as the only cosmically, hip artsy fartsy girl I know, is the only one who will understand what this all means.... here is the story for the masses.

I was washing off a bad day... OK, bad week.... and in my haste to jump in the shower, had skipped the mandatory brushing out the snarls of my faux blondilocks. So as I am shampooing, I run my fingers through the snarls and end up removing a huge chunk o hair. (And no.. I am not sick and keeping that from you guys... this is normal for me). What to do..... what to do....? I didn't want all that hair to go down the drain so I -- and this is an odd confession I suppose-- stuck it to the shower door so that I could finish my shower and dispose of the dreaded locks upon my departure. (Note to self: research viability of marketing shower waste cans.) Now remember-- I have shampoo in my hair so I am closing my eyes and rinsing and whatnot and so I didn't notice her right away. About the time I get to the conditioner stage -- the point where you just stand there and count "one one thousand, two one thousand..." and let the slimey stuff do its thing and enjoy steamy water jetting onto your shoulders and slump against the cold tile -- I saw her! Her back to me. Looking over her shoulder. I grabbed my cellie and took a couple of pictures.

Look. Closer. Squint a little if you have to. Click on the pic to enlarge. You see her now? I didn't touch her up or move a hair(pun intended)! She was just there. And truth be told - I was so amazed at seeing her that I didn't - couldn't - throw her away until she dried and fell from the door.

And so now I want to draw. Or paint. Or do something creative. I mean there was a girl in the shower... a muse perhaps... that's a sign.... right? I am suppose to wash away the boringness of my mundane existence and allow the muse to inspire me. And so that is my goal now. Look for inspiration in everything including clumps o hair and be the artist that I know that I am. Everyday.

Oh and by the way, thanks for not asking why i had my cellphone in the shower with me....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

OK... Im back.... Nine new things...

A general announcement to the people who care about me... I have finally started rehab and I think its a positive thing in my life. I am finally ready to admit I have a problem and cut back on my addiction and hopefully it will lead to me being productive again and get me back to the important things like this blog. And to the people who made it so easy for me to be easy distracted and allowed me to lose myself to this hideous addiction I can only say... shame on you!

In fairness, and in my defense, I didn't see it coming. It snuck up on me. Silent. Stealthy. And consumed me to the point of sleeplessness! Anyone who has faced this situation knows what I am talking about. I have sought out professional help prior to now but perhaps until now I didnt really WANT help.... I mean it always made me feel good and who was I really hurting? But today... today.... I have finally walked out of the fog and made a decision... I will no longer be a slave to MySpace!

And so I pledge the following Nine Things:

1. I will limit myself to updating photos once a week.... unless I catch Marley in some ubercute puppy pose which, of course, everyone needs to see right away!

2. I will check my messages only once or twice a day instead of every hour... on the hour.... for 45 minutes at a time.

3. I will NOT respond to EVERY survey that I get unless its REALLY important stuff like "who was your last text message from" or "what's your favourite colour".

4. I will stop logging on to see if any one who works for me is also logged on while they are suppose to be working.

5. I will stop looking for just the right smiley icon to indicate my mood -- besides they dont have enough choices anyway... like where are "quirky", "underwhelmed", "perky" and "oddly superior"??

6. I will stop searching for the right pimped out, glittery backgrounds to define who I am... obviously a quirky, perky underwhelmed yet oddly superior goddess. There just isn't enough glitter out there.

7. I will stop sending "comments" to people who are actually in the next room (Krista), people that I text message all day (Rach) or people that I would love to hear on the phone (Jules).

8. I will stop replying to "friend requests" that are from people in Bumpkiss, NV who just want to share a secret way to make me rich. I think it's possible that they don't really have my best interests in mind.

9. And I will stop stressing over who's feelings will be hurt if they are not in my Top 10 Friends list.... and I will stop wondering why I am not in their Top 10 Friends list either even though I am certain that I am a much better friend then the 10 people already listed there.

And so there it is... my plan to regain snippets of my life and get back to blogging!! Hmmm.... of course.... I just realized... I will have to go on MySpace and post a bulletin to let all my friends know that I am blogging again... and I might as well check my comments while I am there....and post that last picture I found of us dressed like pirates... and it would be kind of impolite not to answer Misty's survey....

Damn you, MyCrackSpace!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Well this doesn't bode well, does it? I mean.. here it is, my first blog of the critically acclaimed 2008 Do-Over Blog and already it's a day late! I've been trying to remember what I did yesterday that was more important than blogging...and, quite frankly, I am stumped. I was on time for the telemarketing job at 9am. I sat in a semi-comatose state until the 5 o'clock whistle. Came home... um... ate dinner... watched a movie... washed the dog... and then sat in front of my computer "talking" with Rach until I went to bed at 2:30am.

Nope. Nothing I did yesterday was more important than my first do-over blog. And yet... I didn't blog. I made some money, entertained myself and made the dog smell good. Necessary things all (especially making the dog smell better) but not more important than entertaining the 3 of you who still read my blog...and so i will endevour to do-over my do-over tomorrow... as soon as I figure something to talk about...

So keep a good thought for me, will you? Blog clog is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When Lorrie Veasey talked me into doing this "blog" thing, I had visions of being so prolific that people would come from Farandnear and Nearandfar to read my witty little musings. I also had visions of finding the time to write said witty little musings and while I gave it a decent shot at first, I have come to the current realization....that I suck at this!

Ok... ok... I dont want to be too harsh on myself but... c'mon... the last entry was over FOUR months ago (give or take... I'm not too good at math) and even then it was an edited piece that I wrote over TWELVE months ago!

But now its 2008... and I am filled with renewed optimism and enthusiasism (and 2 glazed donuts but that another story). Therefore, I have a request of the 3 people who still occasionally drop me an email to see if I have fallen off the edge of the earth.... can I have a do-over?

I'll start tomorrow.... honest.....