Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ihaveablog? I was tricked into starting a friend LV (who might actually get some sort of a kickback for this...i dunno) asked me to be a guest blogger for HER blog...the ever popular "Our Blog is Mud" which may very well be coming to a theatre near you given how damned witty it is (especially with the occasionoal guest blogger)....but I digress....

So...i was sucked into reading her archived blogs...and wanted to comment (no surprise there) on one (lets say it was only one). However...and here is the underhanded sneaky trick of it all....I had to sign up for my OWN blog so I could make comments on HER blog! Is that even legal? Forcing someone to blog or to keep their comments to themselves? Like Ron White says... "I had the RIGHT to remain silent...I just didnt have the ABILITY."

And so now here I sit... proud new owner of this handsome blog (yeah I have some redcorating to do)...wishing I had something to say that was SOO witty that others would want to comment and then they'd have to sign up for their OWN blog and I could finally find out if kickbacks were involved!

Note to blog administrators....I like shiny things